Ann Lockley – contributor
After three months dead in the driveway trying to find a replacement transmission, Kelsey is finally running again! Thank you Dixon Strachan of Rock Island Rovers for the transmission and Jason Coakley of Simoes Automotive for organizing the install. And a big apology to Norbert Simoes, owner and poor soul who did most of the work for what I gather was a nightmare of a swap. I hear ‘Kels’ is banned from rolling into the shop ever again.
Barely a week after she rolled out of the garage, Jason and I took her to Squamish, BC, 40 miles north of Vancouver, to compete in the Northwest Challenge. NWC is an annual event, shared between the Pacifi c Coast Rover Club and the Rover-Landers of BC that swaps locations each year between Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. The challenge is a series of 10 timed off-road driving, navigation and potential survival tasks that pit driver and co-driver teams against each other.