Rally4Life is a campaign conceived by Mark and Jackie Jennings-Bates to raise funds for two important charities, including UK charity ‘Just a Drop’, which provides clean, safe and accessible water and sanitation to those who need it most.

Mark, one of Canada’s top rally drivers, and co-driver Mick Extance, the UK’s highest-placed Dakar entrant, aim to cross the Dakar  nish line, as part of the Bowler team, and reach the impressive target of US$4 million, to be split equally between Just a Drop and Canadian charity, FeViva.

Just a Drop and Canadian charity, FeViva. To support and enhance the Rally4Life campaign, Mark, Mick and Jackie will be lming a TV docu-series covering the Dakar challenge, including vehicle preparation, physical training, sleep deprivation conditioning, track training and illustrating §where the funds raised will go.

Filming is to take place this autumn at a Just a Drop project, the Westgate Primary School Water Project, bordering the Samburu National Reserve located in the north western part of central Kenya which has suffered years of prolonged drought. Just a Drop is funding an extensive project in the area. Visit www.rally4life.org and www.justadrop.org for more information.

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