Road safety and breakdown recovery organisation GEM Motoring Assist has assembled a selection of easy-to-follow seven tips that will save you fuel as well as reduce your risk on the road.
“Any driver can make good use of these tips, starting right now,” says GEM road safety officer Neil Worth. “The result should be not just better fuel economy, but also a reduction in risk through better anticipation of hazards.
“Fuel-efficient driving goes hand in hand with improving your driving skills and boosting road safety, as well as reducing emissions and pollution. As well as reduced risk, you should find the whole driving experience a lot less stressful.”
Here are GEM’s seven tips:
1. Choose an easy-on, easy-off style. Economical and environmental driving techniques focus on a relaxed approach to acceleration. Using brakes wastes fuel, so try to anticipate what’s happening as far ahead as possible. This means you’re making best use of your car’s energy, and ensuring an altogether safer, lower-risk style of driving.
2. Slow down. Most cars are at their most efficient around 50mph, and for every five miles an hour over 60 you drive, you will lose around six per cent of your fuel economy.
3. Use the gears. Aim to get into a high gear promptly (but not so quickly that you strain the engine). This helps reduce your car engine’s thirst.
4. Check your tyres. Keep them properly inflated and make regular checks on their condition. Even a slight reduction in pressure will lead to greater resistance on the road, meaning you will spend more on fuel and on tyres.
5. Switch it off. Don’t let your engine sit running on idle If you’re sitting in a queue for more than 30 seconds, or simply parked up waiting for someone, switch the engine off.
6. Look after your car.A properly maintained car stands a better chance of running economically.
7. Know where you’re going. Don’t waste fuel by being lost in your car. Journeys will take less time if you plan a route.
For a more detailed line-up of eco-driving tips, take a look at