Chains, Snox or socks?

NovProdChainsIf you have ever struggled to fit snow chains, lying on your back in frozen snow, as any sense of feeling drains from your fingers and then they begin to hurt… you need to read about these products. We have mentioned the AutoSock before, which are very simple to slip over your tyres and they make such a big different to a vehicle’s traction. If your ‘fleet’ includes a 4×4 and a 2×4, you could do well to consider a pair of AutoSocks, not as durable as chains, but it could make a lot of difference, especially for the 2×4, and is the ideal ‘get you home’ product. For your 4×4, and if it’s chains you are after, then the Pewag Snox is a design you should consider. The design won the prestigious accessory category at the Automechanika Exhibition in Frankfurt. The product is easy to fit and contains no fiddly mechanical parts or tensioning devices of more ‘standard’ chains. The Snox is simply slipped over the tyre, the vehicle is then driven forward a quarter turn of the wheel, and the rest of the chain is then pulled over the tyre to complete the fitting process. All Pewag snowchain and AutoSock products can be seen at

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