ProdsThievesThis clever item is made by Richbrook with two purposes in mind: security and battery preservation. Known as the Discarnect, it costs £9.95, and provides a removable link in your 4×4’s ignition system.

The Discarnect fits to any type of battery post and provides a means of rapidly disconnecting the high-tension side of the ignition circuit.

Undo the plastic knob and the vehicle won’t start – meaning that any would-be car thief will be thwarted in his tracks. The knob can be carried in your pocket, or hidden elsewhere in the car, until the owner returns – providing a very simple means of immobilising a vehicle.

A small fused link is included in the wiring, which sends a low current to in-car items like clocks and radios, enabling them to continue functioning even when the plastic knob is removed. The fuse can’t handle the force of ignition, however, and will blow if someone tries to start the engine.

With a spate of Defender thefts throughout the country, the Discarnect could be a prime way of preventing car thieves from making merry with your pride and joy. What is more, for owners who do not use their vehicles on a regular basis, the Discarnect provides a means of saving battery power.

Remove the low current fuse from the connection and – once the plastic knob is removed from the component – there will be no drain on your 4×4’s battery. That means you can safeguard its charge, even when it is stood for a long period without being used.

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